
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Letter to Tricky – Two months old

Dear Tricky,

I can't believe you are two months old today – it seems like you've been here forever. I can't even remember what life was like before you arrived (other than there was more sleeping and I was quite convex). When people enquire as to how old you are they are always shocked to hear you're so young because you, my love, are massive - you weigh almost six kilos! Their replies are always "My God he's a big one!" My beautiful, big, chubby boy.

You are such a happy baby, content to sit in your bouncer or lay on your rug and talk to whomever is listening (more often than not it's your giraffe). You coo and gurgle as if you're having a great conversation and I can't help but laugh at how sweet it sounds. But yesterday you out-cuted yourself when you giggled for the first time! Well, actually it was the third time, but the previous two were in your sleep so they're not official.

The rolling over from front to back has continued and you've added rolling from back to side to your repertoire - so that makes you pretty clever (it's only in the mornings when you're really awake, by the afternoon you're too exhausted!). You're Dad was the same though, always doing things early - he could tell time on an analogue clock when he was four, and I'm sure he's going to teach you as soon as you can talk. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if he started teaching you now.

Your Dad bought me a gift voucher to a fabulous hair and beauty salon so on Friday I went off to be pampered for a few hours while your Nanna and Aunty Penny looked after you! You were a very good boy and had lots of fun with them, but I missed you a lot.

We've been on lots of adventures together - to the movies, to mothers' group and to yoga! But the biggest adventure of all was down south to Albany to meet your Great Grandparents on your Dad's side. You were the centre of attention! They all think you're super cute and every one of them commented on how relaxed you are. My little chilled out, laid back man.

You are everything I ever hoped for and dreamed of, and have made us a little family. Some mornings when you wake up we get you out of your crib and lay you between us in bed - these are the times when I feel so happy I could burst.

Love Mummy xxx


  1. so beautiful!

    Lots of love little family!

  2. I've got tears in my eyes and a warm fuzzy feeling in my chest after reading that!!

  3. gorgeous - what a great letter x and special memories x


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