
Monday, February 14, 2011

7 Inches...

When I decided to call this post "7 inches" I put it to Twitter to guess what I was talking about and the guesses, in order of popularity were heels, penises, salami, hair and a roll of cookie dough. One of those is correct.

Meet Damien. He's my beautiful BFF Bec's hunk-o'-spunk husband.

Nawww aren't they cute together?!

In true Aussie Bogan style, he gets called Damo a lot.

After a few drinks, it becomes Daayyyymoohhhhh and he looks like this:

Rockin' out, probably to Metallica
His most prominant feature, other than his baby blues, is his beard. His face fuzz. His chin warmer. Bec has been known to call it the 'Lady Garden' of his face, though it's not so much 'Map of Tazzie' as 'Map of Portugal'.
Image credit to the one and only Map Guy
I've known Damien for about eight years (I've known Bec since year one), and have never ever seen his chin. It has always been covered in beardy goodness.

It is almost 7 inches long and he has resisted Bec's nagging encouragement to shave it off... until now.

He's going to be Brave and Shave for a Cure as part of the Leukaemia foundation's World's Greatest Shave!

If you'd like to support Leukaemia research and see the naked chin of Damo, then you can sponsor him by clicking the picture below... if Damo reaches his goal of $200 by the 12th of March, then all his naked-chin-glory will be displayed here on Where's My Glow? for you to see!

Too cool for school

Click here to check out the Caroline's Angels giveaway
Meet Glowless at the Aussie Bloggers Conference thanks to


  1. that comparison with the map of Portugal is such a cool find ! lol
    (although I don't know now if the 'map of Tazzie' thing is a commun Aussie expression..?) how brave of him - and for a good cause! :)

  2. Good work Map Guy! And good work Glowless for yet another "where is this going, I just have to keep reading post!"

  3. A very common expression for a lady garden ;)

  4. I asked him if there was a country that goes straight up and down, he suggested either Portugal or Chile. But Damo's beard definitely doesn't look like Chile :)

  5. Owh man. I would love to see daaayyyymoooo without his beard. Is it really 7 inches? I will donate when I get to the main computer.

  6. Hey, well done! Great cause, Good Luck!

  7. What a good man - love the post!!!

  8. Oh wow - that rocks! I certainly wasn't sure what I was going to be reading about when I came over though!

  9. awesome.... map of Portugal hehehe

  10. Just quietly, I'm glad it is a map of Portugal, and not a map of Tassie as you um... have to be a girl to have one of those. And its not on your face! xx

  11. waah! i commented and it did something weird. Anyway was giggling about portugal! berry funny :)


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