
Monday, February 28, 2011

Bond, Baby Bond

Stay with me on this one, it gets a bit rambly, but I do have a point:

So by now you would have heard about the Bonds Baby Search 2011. Well I'm over it already and the polls have been open less than a day.

I wasn't going to enter Tricky because I thought I would have to put his real name on the entry - but I couldn't see anything in the rules that expressly forbade it... So I entered. I'm pretty sure he's the only baby with a pseudonym in the competition. That makes him cool, right?

Anyway, I'm well aware though that almost every person that exploited entered their child honestly believes that their gorgeous girl or beautiful boy are by far the most adorable creature ever to walk (or crawl) the earth.

I'm a little bit different. Sure I think Tricky is the cutest thing I have ever seen, but I'm under no impression that people who are not directly related to him also share my passion for his toothy grin and chipmunk cheeks.

Tricky's Bonds entry photo

When voting opened today I naturally went straight to Tricky's page with my finger all ready to click VOTE... but there was a system error.

The mums of the 50,000 other entrants were also trying to vote at the same time. Plus the dads, the grandparents, the friends and of course all the Aunty Pennys.

Meh, no biggy, I'll come back later, I thought to myself.

Tonight I went to try again and whilst I could now access the site, the voting button was not working. I wondered (out loud on Twitter) if I was the only one experiencing it but MrsGMach of Our Life in Blog Form said she was having the same troubles too.

So I checked the Bonds Baby Search Facebook page to see if there was a "We're trying to fix it" message, and came across some very mature, well written comments from people who were wondering if perchance the system would be up and running any time soon:

Seriously, Ms Pixel (not her real name, though it was there, for all to see), is it really that important that it required swearing and shouting? Dude, take a breath.

What Ms Pixel is failing to realize is that as with all voting things like this, there is a 'Voter's Choice' winner but the rest are actually chosen by a marketing department.

It's a just a competition. Winning it will not guarantee you happiness or health. Winning it will not even guarantee you fame and fortune. 

So here's the link for my Tricky. Vote for him or don't vote for him. He will still be the most beautiful boy in the world to me whether he gets a hundred votes... or just my one.

Meet Glowless at the Aussie Bloggers Conference thanks to


  1. Tara@OurWhirlwindAdventuresFebruary 28, 2011 at 10:35 PM

    Okay, I know my kids won't win.
    And, to be honest, they don't have to, I just like showing off my cutie pies, and being part of something everyone is talking about.
    To think people actually go bonkers over this thing is INSANE.
    Sorry crazy lady, but your child is going to have SEVERE issues in the future.
    It's just a bit of fun, seriously!

  2. In a high pitched wail: "Won't somebody think of the children!?!?!"
    I just like showing off my little man too, that's why I'm not pulling him out of the competition, event though I'm ranting about it :)

  3. For the record - I think Tricky is the most gorgeous baby boy I've seen in a long time! Coming from a family of chipmunk cheeks myself, they are pretty special :)

  4. I'm voting for baby Pixel - that kid is going to need all the breaks it can get!

  5. I just voted for Tricky and I did that before I voted for Mia and Luka...I will do that now...and like you said we all think that our baby is most adorable and this should be fun but.....And I think that Tricky should win..he is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute:)))

  6. Aww Tricky is cute, I love the little mohawk you have given him. Ms Pixel sounds like a scary mum, glad she isn't hanging around the local playground...

  7. Love it! I was actually tempted to write a status yesterday on FB asking for girls to stop inviting me to events to vote for their kids - It's not that I don't think their kids aren't gorgeous but there are 101 other things on my to-do list that I should be doing AND women like Ms Pixel are just ruining the spirit of the comp for everyone!

    A girlfriend said a friend of hers told everyone to vote for her little brother and if they didn't, she find out and delete them off her FB. She then proceeded to carry on because she wasn't allowed to enter her unborn child ... WTF?!

  8. Aww...the last bit gave me goosebumps (without the assistance of wine!). I totally get where you're coming from! I adore my kids more than anything - but I am the first to laugh if they do something silly and/or unco-ordinated, and the first to joke about their less than angelic features. I think you are one cool and balanced first time Mummy if you can already acknowledge that your baby is the light of your life, but doesn't have to be seen exactly the same way by the rest of the world.

  9. Let's start a campaign for baby Pixel :)

  10. And YOU are welcome back here any time, Lani :P Hehehe x

  11. I haven't been able to vote for anyone yet! I'm still getting error messages :(

  12. Winning will not bring me happiness or health nor fame and fortune? What a rip!
    I tried voting for Jasper yesterday, sent out a status asking if anyone else was having problems and then forgot about it. I didn't even know there was a page I could go to. Some of those people are just being plain crazy! I feel so sad for the children of those who are taking something that should be a little fun so seriously.
    Also, Tricky is SO cute.

  13. Well it will bring you about 5 minutes of fame... not the full 15 minutes though ;)

  14. It's lunch time and you haven't had any wine yet? ;)

  15. Unborn child? Bloody hell, what does she want to do, submit her ultrasound pictures?!
    I haven't been invited to vote events, but I'm pretty sure I "won't be attending" any. I'll vote for whoever I see in my FB and twitter feed when I'm looking.

  16. Loving the post title! And you're right. It won't stop 3rd world hunger or bring peace to the middle east, no matter who wins.

  17. It's the cutest little one too! Makes him even more squirrelly somehow. Gorgeous boy.

  18. Go Tricky!!! Beautifully written, by the way! :)

  19. yay for glowless and tricky!!! i've entered the smiling tiger too. i've been watching the drama unfold for the last couple of weeks too and its really ugly and off putting. i can't believe that some mums are being so bitchy...well i can really because you don't have to look very far to find these kind of nuerotic people. it has put me off the comp too. regardless of whether our bubbas win or not they will always be special to us :)
    by the way - i really do think mr tricky is gorgeous. see you in sydney for the photo shoot when our two boys take out the comp! ha ha!

  20. My friend D was telling me at mothers group that some lady on that FB page mentioned that her baby is the cutest amongst all the babies and deserves to win got a tongue lashing from all other mothers. WOW this game is fierce! I am scared to enter my LT now. AHAHHA

  21. I'm so over this whole thing...

  22. If the prize were a colouring in of a pony I might spam up your twitter feed with VOTE 4 TRICKY placards!

  23. Thanks, Kellie. Was getting cranky and Map Guy was asleep so I couldn't go rant to him :P

  24. For sure Rachel, The Smiling Tiger and Tricky are soooo gonna win :) Send me the links and I'll add my vote (if they re-open voting).

  25. Oh gawd! Are people really that dumb? Of course her baby is the cutest to her, just like Tricky is the cutest to me and Little Tiger is the cutest to you - doesn't mean the whole world will agree with us, we are biased after all!

  26. I went to vote and the voting has been temporarily removed due to high traffic ;(

  27. Cute pic! it's telling me that voting is temporarily closed due to too much traffic on the site though.

    Some people take things like this wayyyyyyyy to seriously. I almost feel sorry for them that getting that worked up over a baby photo comp is so important to them. Almost :\

  28. I didn't enter my boys (there's a toddler category too) for a couple of reasons. Firstly, because I forgot to and secondly, because I figure that the winner is decided by a marketing panel and one boy (Seagull) is very small for his age, whereas the other is very large (Wombat) for his age. They will probably want babies that fit into a particular size for age and as neither of them wear the "right" size for age, I figure there's no point in entering them. I'll vote for anyone who throws a link up on FB/Twitter though. :)

  29. Voted and avoided swearing #winner

  30. Ohmigosh the craziness!

    I entered my babygirl, because she's my fourth and last baby and most beautiful in the world ;p Also because I followed a FB link and had a photo handy.

    I can't believe people are getting so worked up though! I mean srsly my bebe is a beautiful beautiful girl. And my fam and friends are enjoying voting for her. But the 'perfect' one in 50k+?? Truly?

    Also, as beautiful as she is, I suspect they'll be going for babies with eyebrows and eyelashes lol.


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