This week Map Guy and I wrote a list of people we would like to invite to Tricky's first birthday... there are 50 adults on the list. 50! I've never had a birthday party with 50 people so you can sure as shit bet that Tricky isn't having that many at a party he won't even know is happening let alone remember.
You're wondering how on earth it can be 50, aren't you? Well it's my bloody Mothers' Group's fault. Those of you who lament how cliquey and bitchy your group was, well it just might have been a blessing in disguise. I've got a group of gals that are awesome and are now actually my friends. Damn them for being so nice!
My other problem is I have the world's tiniest house; if we all stood crammed in shoulder to shoulder, it could possibly fit 20 malnourished individuals... you know, like the ones on billboards. Whilst I'm thankful none of my friends are as emaciated as Keira Knightly, it does mean I will have to find a venue for this frickin party, even with the guest list halved.
So now I'm wondering do I just go to a local park with BBQs and just hope that the bone-dry Perth winter continues? What is the protocol if rains on the morning of the party? Will everyone expect to come to my place? Or can I get away with pointing to the trees and suggesting everyone huddle under them?
All I want is a small gathering of friends, some nice finger food and to be able to take Tricky's photo while he smooshes cake all over his face. No petting zoo. No bouncy castle. No bloody fairies or clowns (unless it's Lily Petal or Lilly Pilly, of course!) and definitely not 50 people. Is that too much to ask?
I will accomplish it - if only so I can tick it off my Thirty before 30 list (which I kinda forgot about - oops).
How did you handle the first birthday? Is it rude to just go on a holiday instead?
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