
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers' Day Pity Party

Yup, today was my very first Mothers' Day. Is it Mother's or Mothers'? I can never tell. I'm gonna say Mothers' cos it's for all mamas not just mine.

Anywho, my main wish for my inaugural day of celebrating stretch marks, was to sleep in. That went flying out the window because somebody forgot to inform Tricky, who decided to wake up and scream from 3:30 - 4:30am. Because he's been sick, after every sleep cycle he wakes, realizes he's drowning in snot and screams. Self settling kinda buggers off when there is a glazed doughnut monster around.

Lather, rinse and repeat from 5:30 - 6:30am, at which point I gave up and shoved a nipple in his mouth. Ahhh silence. He then crawls up to my face and... SMACK... headbutts me in the nose so hard I cry.

I hand Tricky over to Map Guy with a "you deal with him" glare and between sobs wish myself a Happy fucking Mothers Day as I fall back to sleep. If there is one thing I'm good at, it's self pity.

Fast forward about an hour and I'm woken by Map Guy and Tricks bringing me breakfast in bed. And because it was "made by Tricky" it was served on his plate with my drink in his sippy cup. Well, he can't reach the cupboard with the proper plates, can he? Nawwww.

Then there was the whole "it's on my plate therefore it's for me... WHY AREN'T YOU FEEDING ME?" screams so I shared my toast with Tricky. But not the bacon. I don't share bacon.

I was presented with a framed family photo (the gorgeous one of us at the Royal Wedding party) which I already knew I was getting because I walked in on Map Guy making it the other day. But that's cool because I hate surprises and it also meant my present for my Mum was taken care of because he'd made one for her too. Score. He gets extra brownie points because he's had ManFlu all week and still had enough forethought to get me something that didn't cost much but meant so so so much to me.

Did you get any presents for Mothers' Day? Or like me do you prefer the gifts that don't cost must but mean the most? 

P.S. My nose still hurts.
Glowless rocked the Aussie Bloggers Conference thanks to


  1. I had a sleepless night here as well. Caffeine is my drug of choice right now. So sorry about your poor nose. Was great to see you the other night, even if it was far too briefly xxx

  2. Hugs-I know that sore head feeling. Harper actually BROKE me nose with her heel rolling around in bed earlier this year. Not cool.

    Hope you get 8 hours straight tonight :)

  3. That is so beautiful. Today is full of expectation and I have seen so many disappointed mums today. I got breakfast in bed, made by my 2 favourite people. The rest of the day was pretty dull, but the joy they had making breakfast and all of us eating in bed together was what I will remember. I love they put your drink in his sippy cup. :)

  4. Sorry to hear your first mother's day was not perfect :( Boo let me sleep in until 9am (only because that was only 5 minutes after I heard her get up and put the TV on)! I love the presents she makes me the best, and in the digital age they are nowhere near the naff gifts we made when I was a child ;)

  5. Nikki @ Styling YouMay 8, 2011 at 3:30 PM

    Oh bugger ... About nose and sleep in ... Maybe next year?

  6. Caz (thetruthaboutmummy)May 8, 2011 at 3:49 PM

    Oh your poor nose!!!! Happy mother's day :O)

  7. Gill@AlicebecomesMay 8, 2011 at 3:51 PM

    Ahh, my cheeky little guys woke me up ridiculously early too. I went back to bed and demanded a cup of tea and scrambled eggs, it is my 3rd mothers day so I have decided to let them all know what I want now, and more than anything I want a cup of tea to be brought to me in bed!

    Funny, I received a gigantic head butt from my oldest this morning, perhaps this years mothers day catalogue suggested injuries and interrupted sleep as THE mothers day present all mothers want?

    oh btw, FANTASTIC to meet you the other night

    Gill xo

  8. My drink in the sippy cup was Pepsi, because I don't drink coffee :P

    Great seeing you again, too. Can't wait for next time - I'm suggesting a speed networking thing where we all get to actually talk to each other.

  9. Oh wow! I thought it might be broken for a few minutes, but I've had an operation on it before so when it gets hit it does feel broken for about an hour before the throbbing reduces. I've already received a broken tail bone thanks to Map Guy kneeing me while he was asleep - a broken nose from baby would really piss me off.

  10. Same, Kellie, I know a few who were expecting all sorts of fantastic presents and got breakky in bed and a card and were very disappointed. The rest of our day was pretty dull too - went to my mums, went to the park, and it was lovely to be dull together xx

  11. Other than the rocky start it was a lovely day just chilling out with my flu family :)

  12. I'm thinking a full face helmet and ear plugs next year :)

  13. Thanks, Caz. The nose still hurts almost 12 hours later!!!

  14. Hehehe I don't recall seeing the catalogue that condoned violence, but I am known to put them straight from letter box to recycling bin!

    Great to meet you too, Gill, such serendipitous timing for your Dad to be coming up just when you wanted to!!

  15. I prefer the handmade awesomeness of sentimentality also. And breakfast in bed should be compulsory! But I got an ugly purple handbag that I know cost too much and I made my own breakfast. sucky.

  16. Donna @ NappydazeMay 8, 2011 at 5:30 PM

    Sleepless night here too and no blessed lie in either. Please can you add my name to the door of your pity party?

  17. I coslept with my 14 month old from 1am coz she wouldn't settle. I got a fingernail in the eye at 4am.:)

  18. Oh lord, first Mothers' Days are duds. I remember being so tired and hating the day. As for headbutts, they take some time to stop. Ive never been so bruised as I have since becoming a mum. Last year, hubby spent a fortune which was lovely but ridiculous. This year I said no to that and got my first handmade gift from my eldest, Miss 3. It was the most special and precious thing ever. These days do get better...hang in there and Hapot Mothers' Day.

  19. I had to forego Mothers' Day and swap it so that #1 Hubby had his birthday today, since he missed out on his birthday yesterday, on account of my mega intoxication/hangover wiping me out of all celebratory and/or parental duties yesterday. So I got zilch yesterday and today. Reservation for 1 extra at the pity wait....I've recently learnt how to gate crash, so ignore my RSVP and I will just let myself into the VIP area of the pity partay

  20. That is definitely sucky. Unless you have matching shoes.

  21. Done, Donna. This Pity Party is gonna be big I tell you, BIG. There is a dress code of PJs and dressing gowns.

  22. You'll have to get past the door-bitch, make sure you don't wear a "printed Tshirt"

  23. OUCH! I hope it feels better now.
    What an adorable breakfast and present.

  24. Map Guy for the Win! I do believe you are within your rights to request a re-Mothers' Day Sleep-In due to the lack there of this morning. And perhaps some juice in the sippy cup! x

  25. Aww, I love that it was on his plate - too cute. I didn't get a sleep in and my poor mumma made my breakfast. We took the kids to the show but it wasn't a great morning. I always imagine Mother's Day will be a smooth, peaceful day where I don't have to make any decisions or meals. It never quite works out like that though.

  26. Seems I'm not the only one who's day started off badly except mine was from like Thursday. And yes, I never know how to spell it correctly and it drives me crazy. I'm with you. I think it should be Mothers' Day.

    I do love a good gift but as I said to my moody tween (since Thursday) if you can't be nice to me then don't bother with the present. Okay, so it might sound a bit nasty but seriously if everyone is fighting the present kind of doesn't make it better, you know?

  27. Owwwwwch! They get better. They get more gorgeous (the MD gifts and card-writing excitement, as well as the children). Well.. as has been my experience so far... I prefer no gifts, although I took those Lindor balls quite willingly I'll have you know. I got a laminated book mark with hole punched holes in it that Lolly had laced a bit of gold curling ribbon through. Sooo very proud was she. Nawwwww!!!

  28. Sorry about your nose! My childrens' best trick was to give a little bounce as I was leaning over the top of them putting on their undies. Used to get me right under my chin and make me bite my tongue. Every time.

  29. Ouchie on the Nose. I know how that feels. Mine was pretty ok. LT decided to wake at 3.30am to wish me a Happy Mothers' Day too and decided that screaming and yelling was the way to go.

    On the upside, we did go to a picnic in East Perth and I ate LOADS of cake and I mean LOADS!

  30. Mothers Day shmuthers day. I got nothing fancy. The husband finally figured out he had to make breakfast for everyone when I gave him the stink eye at 9am.

    (I love the kiddies art and craft Mothers Day projects but a bit of bling wouldn't go astray one year)


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