Thursday, June 23, 2011

Blogopolis or Bust

Soooo do you remember when I pulled out this little sign?

You don't? Well I did. And then I nearly fell over because the CEO of an awesome company actually saw it and I became her 'sponsorette'!

So, based on the premise of "ask and ye shall receive", here we go again, but this time, with a bigger sign:
Picture me holding it while standing by the side of the highway wearing Daisy Dukes. 

What can I offer a sponsor? Well, other than making awesome signs on cardboard, a lot.

For sponsoring me to attend Blogopolis you will receive:
  • My first born child, gift wrapped*
  • A night with me**
Sounds ace, right? I suppose I could throw in side bar advertising, lovely welcome posts, even the opportunity to kit me out in your logo.  I could even mention SEO which I'm pretty sure stands for Sensational Enchilada Opportunity, so I'm not really sure why you'd want that, but hey, who am I to judge?

I've already managed to get partial sponsorship, which means one company thinks I'm worth it. So you won't be the first person to rock up to the party, feeling awkward and wondering if it's too early to open the wine yet (for clarity, it's never too early to open the wine).

So if you're a company, even a teeny tiny start up WAHM one, and you want to open your business up to some fab social media marketing, then get in touch. I'm pretty cheap, just ask Map Guy.

*Will be a picture of said child, gift wrapped lovingly. I'm really good at wrapping so this sorta counts as two perks
**You can take me out to dinner; I like my steak medium-well and I'm fond of Toblerone cocktails. If you give me enough of them I become really funny. Well, I think so. You can drive me home after dinner and I'll even flick the porch light on and off to say goodbye, a tradition reserved for family and close friends - you should feel honoured


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