Friday, June 17, 2011

FlogYoBlog Friday - The Vlog Edition

And now for something a little bit different... (and by different I mean completely embarrassing)

If you haven't seen the crazy cat lady, you can see her here. Yes, I know - it's not real. But that's beside the point, I felt like doing a parody.

Go forth and Flog!

The Rules
(As stolen from Lori, thus making Baby Jesus cry... sorry)
  1. Follow Where's My Glow? 
  2. Bow down at the alter of Mummy Time; Blog-goddess, all round groovy gal and creator of FYBF
  3. Grab the FYBF button and post it on your sidebar or in the post you're linking up
  4. Link in your favourite/best post from the week (don't just put your homepage URL)
  5. Follow at least 1 linkyer/blogger (Be nice and spread the comment love)
  6. The list will be open for linkyers on Fridays (and for the foreigners Friday as well)
  7. A new and fresh linky list will open every Friday. And you will have to link up AGAIN. The previous link list does not carry over to the following week
  8. Because I live in Dullsville Perth the list will open around 7am AWST - I'm not getting up at 5am and the last time I scheduled a post it didn't work.

FlogYoBlog Friday 17/06

1. I wrote this just so I could link up to the Crazy Blog Lady - Mumstrosity  40. Diary of a SAHM-they are calling me Steve  
2. Sleeeeeep. Sweet sleep.  41. Dollar Seeds- an unnecessary evil  
3. Lulu @ Cherry Blossom Adventures  42. Operation Style: Packing for surgery  
4. Wherever the day takes you - teh big 5-OH!  43. Mich- Weird thoughts of an insatiable optimist  
5. jody_lemonrhodes  44. Computer software Giveaway  
6. Following your dreams - Calm Blue Ocean  45. History and baby loss  
7. Storage Heaven  46. Just a small town girl...  
8. A Frilly Food Review  47. My Craptastic Wedding Day  
9. Under The Windmills - Skiing Sucks  48. Little Man and the Speech Path  
10. A Book, A Girl, A Journey  49. Tanya - Belonging  
11. Parental Parody : Twins ruined my Happy Place  50. The Things I'd Tell You  
12. I Don't Want To Leave My Daughters Helpless @ThreeLil  51. Does your mental health matter to you?  
13. The Way Women Think  52. Kylee @ boomerang jane competition giveaway  
14. Memories of A Lost Friend  53. captain chaos reporting.  
15. Mastiff Maiden - Griffens dwtds Entry  54. BM-I Dont Care - Totally doing 14 things at once!  
16. Welcome to Anxiety  55. ATBOTG - Let's talk about suicide  
17. $50 Agoo Voucher!  56. Worst Cringe Moment - What's yours?  
18. Flossy Locks  57. NappyDaze talks tough love and mother's guilt  
19. Practically perfect  58. The one in which my child discovers my shameful secret...  
20. one bad apple: liars and how I hate them  59. The Pregnancy Bug  
21. Who's the Boss?  60. Pin, Pin, Pin ♥ Pinterest  
22. Disturbia @ The Mummy Autobiography  61. In The Hours of Early Morning @ Mia's Mummy  
23. A Dose of Dannie  62. Speckles n Spectrum's “Time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted time”  
24. Quensland Girl - Serious business  63. Cultural Beliefs in Australia  
25. Turn your Crappy Canvas into a Creative Colage  64. 40! Or 21 with 19 years experience!  
26. Suburban Sonnet serenades frozen vegetables  65. Flashbacks  
27. Fussy Eater's Mum  66. My Shoebox Life: Finding My True Self  
28. BeckyandJames: A Little Nutty  67. 5 reasons NEVER say NEVER  
29. Shhh... be very quiet  68. Wednesdays From The Womb - Week 23  
30. Unplanned the Planned  69. Nellbe  
31. Writing Out Loud: not being able to do everything  70. People Don't Eat Enough Fudge  
32. non-fiction and fabulous  71. The Stepladder Approach to helping with anxiety  
33. Amy @ MahliMoo- 25 Random Facts  72. Do you use a night cream?  
34. Chickens and Bees  73. Blogging as a means to a more reflective life  
35. Travel. Come and tell me where you've been!  74. Life As Mummy Max  
36. I don't love being a mum - Muddled Up Mumma  75. Living Life Playing the Glad Game  
37. Charity starts .... well .... charity actually starts by washing your hands  76. FoodMuster Review of The Kitchen Cat  
38. MummyK's blogging for blogging's sake  77. Self-Reliance  
39. But, I'm not THAT Mother  78. A letting go tale.  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


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