
Friday, July 8, 2011

FlogYoBlog Friday - The Downfall Edition

I've got a treat for you this week, Floggers! If you were floating around the Twittersphere last night you might have heard me say I've outdone myself...

Nothing quite like building up a bit of suspense, let's just hope it lives up to the expectations.

Now I have to confess that doing this edition wasn't actually my idea... and I hang my head in shame when I say I cannot for the life of me remember who suggested it. If it was you, please please please let me know your name and blog and I'll shout it from the rooftops (ie. Twitter).

{EDIT - It was Sidetracked from Mother Moments who suggested it!!! Thank you, Sidetracked!}

So have a squiz, and check out my mad Movie Maker skills.

The Rules
(As stolen from Lori, thus making Baby Jesus cry... sorry)
  1. Follow Where's My Glow? 
  2. Bow down at the alter of Mummy Time; Blog-goddess, all round groovy gal and creator of FYBF
  3. Grab the FYBF button and post it on your sidebar or in the post you're linking up
  4. Link in your favourite/best post from the week (don't just put your homepage URL)
  5. Follow at least 1 linkyer/blogger (Be nice and spread the comment love)
  6. The list will be open for linkyers on Fridays (and for the foreigners Friday as well)
  7. A new and fresh linky list will open every Friday. And you will have to link up AGAIN. The previous link list does not carry over to the following week
  8. Because I live in Dullsville Perth the list will open around 7am AWST - I'm not getting up at 5am and the last time I scheduled a post it didn't work.

get the InLinkz code


  1. Fiona @ My Mummy DazeJuly 8, 2011 at 7:06 AM

    Haha, love what you did with the film! I had a little Hitler moment at my team (myself and kidlets) a couple of weeks ago when I forgot to link up!! Although I thankfully wasn't wanting to share how I care for my moustache. We'll just pretend I don't have one thanks ;-)

  2. I love you Glowless! PMSL that was fantastic!!

  3. Ok you definitely out did yourself this week. I LOVED it!

  4. You are da funny!!!  Although, I didn't know that Stalin had a blog.  He definitely got a mention in there somewhere....

  5. ahahahaha, hahahahha, mwahahaha, bahahaha, You da shit! 

  6. Oh Glowy, you outdid yourself today. Very, very funny.

  7. Your movie making skills are the shizzle! What was your budget? And finding all those actors so quickly. Awesome!
    Thanks for the morning laughs over coffee. Off to link up now.

  8. very very clever lovely lady! curious to know what film the clip is from?


  9. That was very funny and very clever. Brava!

  10. Bravo Glowless *STANDING OVATION* you yet again keep FYBF fresh, you clever, funny chickie xx

  11. Your video distracted me! Almost forgot about linking up. You are awesome hahahaha I never knew Hitler reads Mrs Woog!

  12. Bahahaha! LOVED it!! It got a second viewing and even a nod of approval and snicker from my husband. Apparently that's what I looked like a few weeks ago when our internet went spazzo and I couldn't link up... Thank god you did it for me, I'd hate to think what I would have subjected my family to...

  13. The bins go out Thursday (that is classic)!

  14. LOL... I nearly peed my pants watching this :-) x  Now i must really go to the toot! 

  15. This is my first visit to your blog and LOVED your had me laughing out loud...LOL! I look forward to linking up, I'm good at taking orders :)))

  16. Oh you deserve an Academy award for that! Brilliant!

  17. PMSL My kids kept asking what I was laughing at lol AWESOME effort!

  18. Little known fact.  I have a major in German.  Not in the sense that I "had" a German major.  More in the sense that I attended lectures and tutorials while at Uni and somehow passed despite being in a room of German nationals who treated the subject like way to get an easy Distinction.

    Now, while I could in theory, go through and do a translation of the above clip for you, I'm happy with your "loose" version.  Loose in the sense that you rock.

  19. Oh crap, the video wouldn't play ... and I'm not even sure I've linked up correctly. My computer is pissing me off no end today. Anyway, I'll be back later to check it out again. xo

  20. Das ist der kuglescriber, Nikki.

  21. I cannot stop laughing at this.  And I never knew I was so internationally admired! xxx

  22. That was hysterical!! love it - and also my apologies, gave the toy sales heaps in my blog this week and then see they're your banner advert... oops!

  23. I laughed so loud at a couple of bits, I woke the Muchkin who was asleep 4 rooms down the corridor!

    Very good!

  24. hahah!! Thats just freaking hilarious!!! LOVE IT!! I try and flog each week, back again this week! Its my aim to try and comment on each and every post this week! Talk about a challenge!!! 

  25. Yay! That was my idea! That is so cool that you did it. I have absolutely no idea how to do that sort of thing and you did it way better than I ever could. I was splitting my sides laughing. This shit is even funnier than the one where Hitler finds out that MJ has died, and that was my favourite Downfall parody until I saw yours. Now to link up. You had all better come and read about my Seagull's love affair with 7:30 and Leigh Sales now. :)

  26. Bahahaha Too freakin funny! Loved it.
    You certainly out did your self with this one.. :)

  27. Thank you thank you thank you! I felt so bad that I couldn't remember, went back through comments but couldn't find it! Will edit post to show it now :)

  28. Hehe that's OK, I bitched about them the other day too! Mine happened to not be in the store running the banner ad, but someone commented about how bad that store was and I left it up... I consider it good customer feedback :)

  29. I used to comment on every single post when I first linked up and again when I first hosted. It's only been the last four that I've not been able to comment on all because I just don't have the time - well if you want me to actually read it and comment, I could put a standard "thanks for linking up" but that's a bit of a cop out :P
    Grab a Pilsener and enjoy your reading!

  30. The movie is called Downfall and is from 2004. There are a whole heap of parodies that have been made by replacing the subtitles, they're so funny! Due to the copyright infringement Youtube pulled them all, but then there was a licensing agreement and now they all just have ads on them, with the revenue going to the license holder.

  31. Oh no! This means you're going to be disappointed next time you come back :P

  32. that was wonderful! Miss 4 came over to see why I was laughing. Unfortunately she can't read and the only German she knows is Guten Tag! :)

  33. You are the star of the video..and more. Editing like I have never seen. Well done. Love love loved it. Creative Genius. Love your work. Glad to be back flogging my blog

  34. I freaking love you.

    Even if you didn't mention me.

    I am totally putting your bra in the freezer.

  35. Loving your Downfall version - very funny :-)   Alarm clock set for next week!!

  36. I think I am the last person in Australia to read this today. Absolute gold!

  37. "my Klout score is going to drop..." Bahahahahaaa !
    Encore, encore ENCORE !!!

  38. Yep. I'd say you outdid yourself!! Very cool! LOL! ;)

  39. That vid is pure genius - I'm just recovering from a fight with my ever-supportive mother (not!) and you gave me the laugh I was desperately in need of - HUGE TA!

    Nicole x

  40. That was brilliant!!!!  I love near the end when he gets quieter, and it's about "my tribe, my friends."  Well done!!

  41. I care for mine by waxing it off :P

  42. Oooh my first ever standing ovation! Hurrah!

  43. A nod of approval from someone without a blog is HIGH PRAISE!

  44. You, dear girl, have a talent!
    That was FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!!  And very VERY clever!!

    While I have nada to link to this week, I am very glad I didn't miss this very special edition! 

    Bwahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha - that is going to make me giggle for the rest of the weekend!

  45. That was hilarious. You're very awesome :-)

  46. I always say "my friends" like that. With gusto.

    And you know what? Embarrassingly, not even Hitler scared me into linking up in time. It's Sunday morning and here I am, sauntering in to find (der) the linky is closed. Setting my alarm clock now......

  47. You don't wanna make him angry...

  48. All day giggles are awesome, especially if no one else knows and you just look like you're a little bit mad :P

  49. You my friend are a genius and also have a little too much time on your hands!! I must confess I'm a bad blogger. I haven't posted or linked for far too long but today I finally broke the drought. Also know peeps I am the worst commenter ever but I am always lurking, reading and enjoying. Xxx

  50. You so clever Glow-girl!!!  :)   PMSL


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