
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

He Did What!? Wednesday - By WoogsWorld

The Intervention - By WoogsWorld

One of my greatest fears is that of the Intervention. I totally know that this has come about from many hours spent watching Oprah while eating toasted cheese sandwiches and drinking diet coke. My friends and I often talk about interventions and we have all promised that we will NEVER do that to each other. We are usually very drunk when we have these conversations.

So fear set into my heart when Mr Woog intervened on some of my behaviours recently.

I have had a stress ball building in the pit of my stomach. Something that is not going away. You know the feeling right? When you have moments of happiness when everything is great, until you remember…… Then you slip back into that dark place.

I have spent all week shutting the door on my problem. And although I can momentarily forget its existence, it is still haunting me. Taunting me. And until Mr Woog held a magnifying glass up to the situation, I thought I was getting away with it. But I knew that the situation was building up to breaking point. It was starting to affect us as a family. My kids were suffering as a result of my behaviour. Standards had slipped below acceptable levels. Some might call it neglect.

So when Mr Woog asked me when I was going face my demons and act, my initial response was to defend myself. “Everyone does it!” I insisted. “It is not a big deal.” I told him I would sort it out tomorrow, or the next day. At least before I go away to Blogher on Monday. I will not leave the problem with him and the kids. After all, I had signed onto this housewife gig and I knew at times it would be lonely. I just did not realise how much I would take for granted. And how abuse can sneak in.

And then I got angry. I blamed him. I pointed out how he had DONE NOTHING to support me during this. That he should step up and BE A MAN. But I knew I had no leg to stand on. That this was MY issue and something I had to fix.

It has been a long morning. I have made progress. Mr Woog has called me to offer some support but he has been firm. I am still resentful of him a bit, but I understand he has good intentions. I need some balance in my life, and at least by the end of the day, I think I might be able to start fresh.

Tomorrow is a brand new day.

___ . . . ___ . . . ___

Mrs Woog is the uber blogger from WoogsWorld. But you knew that already didn't you?

She is mum to two gorgeous boys, wife to a puffer vest wearing man, boss of Sawhole, drinker of Ribena slushies, and enemy of all jeggings wearers. She recently caused Facebook controversy by featuring side boobs and shiny vaginas. OH THE HUMANITY!

Next week she is off to BlogHer and I am supremely jealous and will live vicariously through her Tweets.

After this intervention she can be found in the laundry dutifully folding. It's also where she's hidden her vodka.

Next week: Care to Go Left?

Send your S/He Did What!? submissions to
I'm currently seeking submissions for August and September - don't make me beg!


  1. Love Woogs. Love this. Love you Glow! xo

  2. I would like to have outsourced the washing but I did not want to take out a second mortgage.  Am still folding......

  3. A good friend is one who will kick you up the arse when you need it (and arrive bearing ice-packs and beverages when you didn't deserve it). xo

  4. TeHeHe. We're all guilty of avoiding a bit of housework. My iron sits cold and dusty. Oven greasy and crusty. Mr Black dares not mention it for fear I may serve up some of that grease on his dinner. 

  5. I hope your ribbon is firmly in place in your hair for his homecoming tonight ;)

  6. Oh this is So hilarious! Love it! And love that you needed to hide on someone else's blog. I'm at a bit of a loss why Mr Woog couldn't sort it out? My man does most of the laundry, we probably wouldn't have clean dry clothes without him.
    I heard a story of a lower-socioeconomic family in a country town who bought clothes for their kids at the op-shop, the just let them wear them until they stank, then threw them in the back yard and bought more. On my worse days, this doesn't sound such a bad idea ;)
    Although I would probably at least put them in the garbage at the end, its not like I don't have standard ;)


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