Tricky shares his food with Sprocket and Sprocket thanks him by licking his fingers or knocking him over with his massive tail. Naw, love.
Sprocket has always been an outside dog who is occasionally let in if the weather is extreme. But since Tricky came along, he's been inside more and more often, so that the two can play together. Yes, I'm a sap.
So now with him being inside more frequently, it means I have to wash him more often.
Which is where Pure Animal Wellbeing comes in. Who are they? Well they're the animal health division of Blackmores. Before trying their products I already like them... because I like acronyms. PAW. Clever. Yes, I'm easily pleased.
Their lovely PR people sent me some lavender and jojoba conditioning shampoo for Sprocket to try. This stuff smells so divine that I could use it on myself and nobody would know I had used dog shampoo... except I would start barking and sniffing crotches. But hey, at least my coat would be shiny.
What did Sprocket think of it? Well, judge for yourself:
Sad, but lovely smelling Sprocket |
To be honest I was expecting to think it was nice but that I wouldn't buy it again because surely something like this would be expensive, right? But it's only $14.95 so it's definitely within my
After a bath he tends to give me the evil eye (for taking away his fabulous, hard worked for musty scent no doubt) so I had to do some quick bribing to make him love me again. So I gave him some Active Pet Chews and he woofed them down. Hehe woofed. Unlike the shampoo I wasn't tempted to try these myself.
He went rather insane over the Chews and would have had the entire pack if I'd let him... especially since I didn't tell him they're healthy and full of vitamins. Or does that only work on getting kids to eat healthy?
He's definitely a food focused dog, check out how he can ignore his bestie in the background when faced with the possibility of getting one:
Must. Not. Break. Eye. Contact. |
And because I'm a sucker I let him have another one... then watched him lick the floor to make sure he got every last bit:
I have an entire PAW goody pack to giveaway thanks to Pure Animal Wellness. It contains everything you need to keep your dog or cat in top shape including:
- PAW lavender & jojoba 2 in 1 shampoo, Active chews
- PAW Dermega® Omega 3 & 6 Oral Supplement (ideal for dogs that scratch)
- PAW Probiotic Powder (for maintaining gut health)
- PAW Osteocare® Joint Health Chews (tasty kangaroo chews to help joint health)
- PAW Osteosupport® Joint Care Powder (clinically proven arthritis relief for dogs and cats)
To enter you have to:
- Be a follower of Where's My Glow? on Facebook
- Leave a comment below telling me your favourite pet memory
- For an extra entry you can tweet about this giveaway then leave a separate comment with the link to it

ReplyDeleteI already follow you on facebook and love your blog.My favourite pet memory would be the wonderful times I spent with my now passed-away-nan & pop's two dogs Trixie and Tiny...I loved Trixie that little bit more as she was always scruffy looking and I could pat her, where as Tiny had a short hairy coat that would fall off when you touched him.
I have so many favourite pet memories. But probably a favourite is walking my sausage dog up to my Nana's house (about 1 mile away) when I was a little kid. We would have afternoon and he would play with his brother there (because Nana owned his brother) then we would come home. I didn't have to be scared because he wouldn't have let anyone nasty get to me. Happy days.
ReplyDeleteAs you know, I follow you on Facebook and Twitter.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite pet memory is of my childhood cat. Well, her and my brother, to be exact. We were getting ready to go out somewhere one day and the cat was at the front door begging to get out. My brother must have been about 5 at the time and bent over toward her saying "Look, look at the birdie!" as he flipped the finger at her. What was even funnier is that the cat then started to sniff at his finger. That happened 15 years ago and it still cracks me up to this day.
Apparently when my Mum bought us our first pets (2 kittens) when I was 6 she picked me up from school and said "I have a surprise for you at home" and I asked "can I eat it?" Mum said "if you like but give them a chance first"
ReplyDeleteI didn't eat them & I've had pets of one kind or another ever since
My b best pet memory is my old dog charlie. He died last year but will always been in my heart because he was our honeymoon baby!! (got him just after we got married). We have new dogs but he will alwasy be in fav little 4 legged friednd.
ReplyDeleteI'll never forget the time that our new kitten weed in my sister's bag- not funny for her, but funny for the rest of us. As a consequence we decided to call him 'Diddums'. A lovely cat!
ReplyDelete@austhome twittered
ReplyDeleteCuddling our cat Minka on a cold winter's night and he made me warm and his purring was so relaxing
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog and like your Facebook page too :)
ReplyDeleteMy favourite memory is when my cat Poss, now deceased, used to go behind the curtain during the day. The sun was so bright at a certain time of the afternoon her shape lit up like a shadow puppet. It used to look great. Now we have a dog called Gypsy.
Just tweeted this giveaway (username @ShinyGlitterBug) Here's the tweet
ReplyDeleteMy favourite pet memory is of my beautiful Basset Hound when I was young. His name was Louis and back in the eighties when roller skates where all the rage I used to put his leash on and get him to run up and down on the back verandah with me flying along behind him. Great fun :-)
ReplyDeleteNew follower on facebook.
ReplyDeleteWe used to live near a large river in south-western QLD, and would spend lots of time swimming with our dog. We had a few tyre tubes that we'd float on, and the dog would clamber aboard and float around with us. Awesome memories!
I'm a facebook follower! My favourite pet memory would be the time I was four years old and held a birthday party for my dogs, complete with lots of dog food and lots of pats and hugs! Sadly the two dogs I had then have passed away but I still have one dog currently who I love and cherish :)
ReplyDeleteI don't know that the cats would thank me for giving them a bath, no matter how good they smelt afterwards.
ReplyDeleteBut just because I'm evil, I'll give this a go - and say that my clearest (and my fav, because it makes other people laugh) memory of our family cat, Mork, was when I was little and Mork would sit in the doorway of whichever room I was in, and not let me out. She'd ringbark my legs, trapping me- usually in the toilet.
I'd have to call out for my Mum to rescue me. And if she was outside hanging washing, I would end up waiting for a while - in a Mexican stand-off with the bloody cat!
That cat was seriously unhinged. And she never hurt my Mum...bitch.
Oh, just liked you, awesome blog, thanks RD for the referral
ReplyDeleteOk, best pet memory, when my much loved cat Anna, after falling off our 4th floor balcony, on her three legs for the first time, put her two front legs around my neck and hugged tight when I picked her up from hospital
I never had a pet growing up but as soon as I got married that was the first thing I did. The Husband and I bought a staffy and I was so smitten by her that I used to dress her up and do all those terrible things like talk to her in baby talk - who's a smooshy wooshy wumpy pumpkin? I spoiled her so much she turned into a total cow (not an *actual* cow, but YKWIM, she had a serious attitude problem). So she'd be a snob, wouldn't walk on the wet ground (had to carry her), she'd sit on your feet so her bottom wouldn't have to touch the concrete and she demanded to be fed breakfast every morning (peanut button on toast). I think she was also a lesbian after seeing her aversion to boy doggies when we were trying to breed her (we considered the turkey baster option, but TBH, that creeped us out). Sadly, she's gone to heaven now, and I miss her, but her adopted son (also a staffy) has filled the hole nicely - and thankfully not as moody as she was.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite and worst animal memory is muddled into one when my Beagle "Chester" ate a 2kg pack of glucose powder, he was bouncing off the walls with diahrrea running out of his butt. We were trying so hard to catch him but he was "HYPER" it was the worst experience EVER but hilarious looking back now. Could have so done with the Sham"poo" then.
ReplyDeleteI remember (parents divorced) my dad sending us home from the school holidays with a new labrodore puppy. You can imagine how amused my mum was.
ReplyDeleteHmmm. Favourite pet memory. I've got so many. But bringing home a stray collie dog and calling her Lassie was kinda cool. Even cooler that my mum let me keep her for a little while. She didn't last long though when Mum realised none of us were going to keep her beautiful furry coat in any decent condition.
ReplyDeleteOooh and most recent memory would have to be Miss Tween teaching Miss Digit (our old lady now that new puppy has barged her way in) to go down the slide. The fact that she does it with little encouragement is just gold!
My favourite memory with my dog, Forrest Gump, would be earlier this year when we welcomed foster dogs into our home (and into our hearts!)
ReplyDeleteOur 1st foster dog was Kodie. A 9month old staffy x border collie and we were unsure of whether Forrest would accept an active and jumpy puppy but he did and the bond he created with this puppy in just 6 days was incredible. Kodie slept in the same bed, ate from the same food bowl and walked beside Forrest whenever he could. It was devastating when Kodie had to be put down because of cancer and Forrest was so confused. We decided that we would get another foster dog quickly because Forrest seemed so lonely.
Our 2nd foster dog was an 8 year old German Shepherd who had been neglected and he was honestly the saddest dog we had ever seen. Forrest accepted Spook instantly but instead of Forrest being a "father figure" it was more like 2 old men finding companionship. It was then that we decided to adopt Spook however before we could do that we found out that Spook had Hip Dysplasia and was in an immense amount of pain so we decided it was best if he too were put down.
I would love to spoil Forrest a little bit more than he already is just to thank him for being so accepting of both Spook and Kodie.
Taking our Labrador Chloe for a walk through a park.She spotted a duck in the lake and sped off down the hill with me following behind still attached to her lead. We both ended up in the lake. I even lost one of my shoes. Wasn't impressed at the time, but it was incredibly funny afterwards.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite pet memory would be when my two daughters and my golden retriever and i would go to the puppy beach,and my youngest daughter would follow the dog in the water even in the winter. I would think to myself ohhh i should put her in her trackies and i thought about the dog that i'd just have to rewash the dog
ReplyDeleteLove your blog and FB
ReplyDeleteMy favorite pet memory is my cat. Both he and my dads pigeon went missing before a cyclone hit our town and I was so worried because he wasn't at home safe when the wild weather hit. For three months I called him every night, hoping he'd come home. After a heart breaking twelve weeks, we saw dads pigeon sitting on the fence, and that night my boy came home! We always joked he followed the pigeon, either because it was helping guide him or because he was trying to eat it!
My little foxy call Ruby found a bone outside covered in ants I tried to get her to drop the bone but she just took off with it through the doggy door into my bedroom onto my bed where the ants just scattered everywhere to my horror.
ReplyDeleteI follow you on FB.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite pet memory is about a dozen border collie puppies crowding the yard to get their weetbix, they were only just weaning and were so delightfully cute!
Ohh favorite memory, there are too many with my little terrier Alfred, but one in particular springs to mind.
ReplyDeleteHe has always been a little greedy guts, even when he was a pup. He was around 8 weeks old, and had just come home with us from the pound. I remember he disappeared for a little while, and we found him in the laundry. He had discovered a 2kg bag of puppy food, torn it open and eaten the whole thing (he weighed less than 2kg at the time). We found him sprawled on his back, panting and struggling to breathe! A quick trip to the vet later, they kept him under observation and sent us on our merry way. Not funny at the time but we certainly laugh now!
Hello, Im Kayla my dogs name id Licon.
ReplyDeleteIm 21 & he is my first dog.
My favourite pet memory is...
My partner went in to the lounge all of a sudden I hear Licon barking and growling.
I went out to see what was going on. The tv was on and my partner standing there laughing. There was a wildlife show on tv & there was a peacock.
And the kept barking at it.
Then it started making noises...
So the dog jump over the coffee table to try an EAT the tv.
He really wanted to eat the peacock.
He is a funny dog but thats my favourite, because Licon always knows how to make me smile.
Sometimes so much so that my partner & I swear he isnt a dog but a person in a dogs body :) & im following you on facebook.
Where did my comment go??? :-(
ReplyDeleteAlthough i have 2 lovely dogs now, my favourite memory is of my 1st dog i had when i lived with my parents. Her name was Buffy, although she had stinky ears, eczema, had a real fettish with boogies... yes BOOGIES as in SNOT...and wasn't very lady like she was such a beautiful dog! if you were sick, or just having a bad day shed come and sit next to u as if to say "hey i am here for you" but the fondest memory we had was if we ever had a Sundae (from Md's or Hj's) she sit near your feet and wait for you to finish, we'd put the cup over her mouth and watch her lick it perfectly clean, then take the cup to the bin!
ReplyDeletemy best pet memory we had a joey when i was little girl i felt so special cause really how many people can say that and she was just beautiful i still have a soft spot for kangas.
ReplyDeleteMy cat Boots (rip) running down our driveway when I arrive home and jumping on my lap so I can rub his tummy. He was such a good boy.
ReplyDeleteI am a follower on facebook.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite pet memory is when I was about ten, and my cat Busha had her kittens under my bed. I remember waking up to little meows, and saw cute little kittens.
The thousands of memories created over the many years with my loving fur babies are impossible and would be almost criminal to seperate. I have no memory that doesnt include the joy that each particular fur baby generates with me daily.
ReplyDeletePregnant with triplets my loyal (if not a little crazy) hungarian viszla thought she was also pregnant and started lactation! Nothing like going out in sympathy!! Now she helps me mother the 3, rounding them up when they are at the park!
ReplyDeletewhen he was a puppy, my chihuahua climbed a table to look for his ball. follow you on facebook
ReplyDeleteThe day we picked up our second whippet. We already had Kev, a very sensitive boy whippet, and to make introductions we took him to a friends yard & went to get our new fur baby Irene. She was so little. We put her down in the yard to explore. Kevin was eating a bone (which belonged to a giant schnauzer who owned the yard). Tiny little Irene walked straight over to Kevin & stole the bone from him, dragging the bigger than her bone away as if she owned the yard. Poor Kevin just looked on...he knew his world had changed forever:)
ReplyDeleteMy favourite memory is everyday I spend with my 4 Australian Bulldogs,but my all time would have to be when I helped my gorgeous girl Tess give birth to 4 healthy & chubby baby bulldogs and I will never forget that and I cherish every day we are together.
ReplyDeleteSonya aka Bullroarer Australian Bulldogs(facebook)
I have too many pet memories that I couldnt pick a
ReplyDeletefavourite. But going for a walk down the river with my 2 beautiful
pomeranians this morning was pretty special. Kylie :-)
I find it so hard to choose but one of my favourite pet memories is when my twins were out on a walk with their daycarer and they rescued a turtle from being run over. Knowing that i always wanted one, they put it in a bucket in hope that it was still alive in its shell, for me to see when I picked them up. Let's just say Yertle the Turtle still lives with us today and the kids never ever tire of telling the story of how they saved him!
ReplyDeleteMy most special memory was when my shih tzu Lolly was a puppy, she would romp through the lavender bush and come out smelling as sweet as can be.
ReplyDeletetweeted @JesseBelles:disqus
ReplyDeleteAm a liker on facebook and a follower on google friend connect.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite pet memory was when mum and dad surprised me with a cute little puppy when they picked me up from school one day :)
Sprocket is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite pet memory/ies is/are watching hubby and our two dogs run around like mad things in the backyard. They are filled with such joy and life it makes my heart sing.
My least favourite, aside from the inevitable sad ones, is of the time I had the two dogs on the back of the ute. We were stopped at lights, with traffic behind us and on either side, and one dog starts humping the other, with enough vigour to rock the vehicle. In full view of all the other drivers and passengers. I could do nothing but sit at the wheel and turn beetroot.
We have a crazy cat called rascal, he loves sitting on the edge of the shower and waiting for you to get out so he can drink the soapy water. At least he will always be squeaky clean.
ReplyDeleteMy parent's old cat Minty- what a pampered pet, he even had a hot water bottle at night in his blanket!
ReplyDeleteFollowing on twitter
ReplyDeleteTweeted for giveaway:!/emmamayall/status/100146517536546816
ReplyDeleteMy favourite pet memory (if by 'favourite' you mean the one you look back on and laugh about now but was really unfunny at the time) was this:
ReplyDeleteWe had just cooked a delicious lamb rack and left it on the table to rest (oh, can you see where this is going?) and Train the Cat took advantage of our inattention and in one quick move jumped up on the table, grabbed the ENTIRE lamb rack and ran off with it to the bedroom, dragging it between her legs.
We had cereal for dinner that night.
Dusty, our 11 year old golden retriever who is deaf and slightly blind, has an unfortunate habit of waddling over to our neighbor’s large property and taking a dip in their dam. He adores being brushed but despises being washed. One morning, we awoke to our elderly neighbor shouting at something. Curious as to what had upset him so early we ducked outside and popped out head over the fence to witness a hilarious sight. Our beloved Dusty, with a huge grin on his dopey face, appeared to be returning from one of his swims, this is not usually a problem however being caked in mud and soaking wet he was dripping dirty water all over our elderly neighbors newly cleaned driveway. Our neighbour was yelling at our dog and attempting to chase him with his walking stick. However, spotting us and evidently anticipating his morning feed Dusty simply shook his coat, soaking our neighbour and began bounding towards us. Lucky he was deaf and couldn’t hear the foul words our neighbour uttered! Needless to say this little excursion cost us several rounds of neighbourly cookies J
ReplyDeleteI follow you on FB as Kelly Ann T.
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite memeories was when my dog won the Courageous Canine Award for all the therapy work she did with kids and the elderly. I was so proud of her.
I tweeted!/cstironkat/status/100287597829558273
ReplyDeleteI have so many pet memerys. One of my favorite was having Griffen filmed for Talk to the Animals. I was asked if they could use him while out at Pets in the Park a few years ago. I was so proud of my boy, he didn't pull the host over or drool on her.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite pet memory of my dog is how I put a small piece of food on my dogs nose and counted 1,2,2 and a half, 2 and 3 quarters, 3!. He always knew to go for it on 3, he never moed a muscle until i said that word 3. awesome dog :D
ReplyDeleteMy favourite pet memory goes back a couple of years. Byron was still a puppy then and my daughter was just 18 months. While doing my chores, I went to Sasha's bedroom and there they were, sitting together on the floor, my daughter reading a story to the puppy and the puppy was actually listening! My heart just melted!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite memory of my pet is when I had an upsetting car accident, was in tears all evening and my cat didn't leave my knees for the whole time, trying to make it better.