
Monday, November 14, 2011

OH MA GAWD Party Tricks

There comes a point at your work/family/casual birthday/engagement/Christmas party that everyone (well everyone around me) has had a few drinks and it comes time to compare party tricks.

Matt can touch his tongue to his nose, Steve can burp the alphabet, Kate can put on her lipstick with her boobs... or was that Molly Ringwald? Anyway, everyone has some sort of trick and they range from pathetic to OH MA GAWD how can you do that?!

My party tricks also range from the pathetic to the OH MA GAWD but sadly I did them in the wrong order in this video so rather than building to an awesome crescendo the following clip is rather sad and anticlimactic... much like most birthday/engagement/Christmas parties. Enjoy.

P.S. No, I wasn't drinking when I did this (that's the hair vlog, pay attention)
P.P.S. Yes, I realize it does appear that I'm drunk, but I'm not, I'm just naturally bubbly/stupid/extroverted
P.P.P.S. Best still frame EVER!


  1. OMG that is absolutely disgusting and hilarious. My arm is still hurting from your trick but OMG bloody amazing!!! I wanna see you do that when we catch up next! I am still cringing! It hurts!

  2. My best party trick is to get smashed, tell you what I *really* think (I do this sober, but when I'm drunk it's no holding back), and wake up with NO hangover - huzzah! By the way, I'd like to meet Matt...

  3. Feeling a little queazy .... but was of course totally distracted by your impressive cleavage.

  4. honey you might be a freak - and i'm not saying you are - but if you are, there is nothing wrong with freakdom but if you ARE indeed a freak, you are a freak with AMAZING cleavage!

    i'm not bendy but i'm sooOoOoOooo going to try that with my arm, if i break it, i WILL blame you :-)

  5. When *slightly inebriated* I morph into Effie.  And I'm not Greek.  Or, alternatively, my inner 14yr old skate rate teenage boy comes out in full force...yo.  Out of nowhere.  It's not exactly a talent on the scale of yours, but it is considering I would swear I'm not any different to my usual LADYLIKE self.  Seriously, I can't hear or tell the difference.  Anywho, gratuitous cleavage shots oh glowing one.

  6. That second one is HILARIOUS!
    I am completely untalented. Just a freak.

  7. You're a scream! Love it!

  8. OH MA GAWD!!!! That is horrible :D I didn't know whether to laugh or cry or cringe!

    If that's you sober - I want to meet you drunk!

  9. That was hilarious!! The arm was a bit freaky, but the cotton and thread was totally awesome :)

  10. Bahahahaha!  I have just spent the last ten minutes attempting to replicate your party no avail!  Although...I was uber impressed with the invisible cotton one, the weird-ass arm trick had me cringing!
    Fabulous as ever Glowless!

  11. Friggin' HILARIOUS !!!  I had a crap day today but you know what ???  Watching that vlog totally made up for it ! x

  12. I agree best still frame EVAR!

  13. You best introduce that cleavage cause it had more of a staring role than the air-conditioner.

  14. awesome.  the twisty arm thing is definitely freaky. T xx

  15. It looks gross with short sleeved top on - I'll show you though :P

  16. Dammit I forgot to put my disclaimer up!

  17. I wish I'd worn a bra that actually made it look impressive... instead of a shite maternity bra that does absolutely NOTHING for them

  18. Jinkies!

    Our party tricks are limited to turning one eye inward while the other one stares straight ahead (me) and my little un's ability to shake her eyeballs and touch her nose with her tongue.

  19. I thought my HB was the only one who could do the arm thing.. it creeps me out.. youre both freaks, awesome freaks though ;)


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