Monday, November 14, 2011

OH MA GAWD Party Tricks

There comes a point at your work/family/casual birthday/engagement/Christmas party that everyone (well everyone around me) has had a few drinks and it comes time to compare party tricks.

Matt can touch his tongue to his nose, Steve can burp the alphabet, Kate can put on her lipstick with her boobs... or was that Molly Ringwald? Anyway, everyone has some sort of trick and they range from pathetic to OH MA GAWD how can you do that?!

My party tricks also range from the pathetic to the OH MA GAWD but sadly I did them in the wrong order in this video so rather than building to an awesome crescendo the following clip is rather sad and anticlimactic... much like most birthday/engagement/Christmas parties. Enjoy.

P.S. No, I wasn't drinking when I did this (that's the hair vlog, pay attention)
P.P.S. Yes, I realize it does appear that I'm drunk, but I'm not, I'm just naturally bubbly/stupid/extroverted
P.P.P.S. Best still frame EVER!


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