
Friday, March 9, 2012

FlogYoBlog Friday: The FlogYoFeminism Edition

Happy (belated) International Women's Day, Floggers!!

Did you know you're a feminist if you think women
  • Have the right to own land
  • Have the right to vote
  • Have the right to contraception
  • Have the right to equal pay for equal work
  • Have the right to wear whatever they please and not be "asking for it"
  • And many many more things
You don't have to be a man-hating militant lesbian to be a feminist (although there were a few in my class when I studied it at uni - awesome chicks), you just have to care about equality and rights... it shouldn't be the other F word.

Will you be a Feminist Flogger today?

How to FlogYoBlog
  1. Follow Where's My Glow?
  2. Bow down at the alter of Mummy Time; Blog-goddess, all round groovy gal and creator of FYBF
  3. Grab the FYBF button and post it on your sidebar or in the post you're linking up
  4. Link in your favourite/best post from the week (don't just put your homepage URL)
  5. Follow at least 1 linkyer/blogger then be nice and spread the comment love


  1. I am going to sneak in anyway.  I'll sit down when I pee does that qualify me?  I have never had a massage so I am deffinatly not a misogynist.Cranky Old Man

  2. sitting down to pee is just courtesy in my book.

  3. God dang you have sexy biceps ;)

  4. OMG Glow that is an awesome photo!  Clever, strong, feminist woman you ;)

  5. all those things AND I hate bras. wow. feminist all the way I guess. ;p

  6. best picture. EVAH.  :D

  7. Leanne Shea LangdownMarch 9, 2012 at 12:14 PM

    Thanks for flogging! And happy International Women's Day/week :) 

  8. I joined the greatest feminist movement in Australia this week: the Country Women's Association. Even Germain Greer thinks its the way for modern feminists to make a difference today:

  9. Oh sorry I'm not being feminist at all! Although i am celebrating women (of the Mother variety) so hopefully that qualifies :)

  10. It's kinda *ahem* being pushed up by my other hand....

  11. Thanks Laney! I LOVE it so much :)

  12. I rip mine off as soon as I walk in the door, without fail. Makes it kinda awkward when we have visitors coming in with us.

  13. Aunty Penny spoke to our idol Germain Greer the other week - I was soooo jealous!

  14. Don't have to link up a femo article, it's just me celebrating :)


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