
Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Weekend Whine - Episode One

Soooo this might fill the void that is FlogYoBlog Friday (now that it's moved on to Grace). But on a Saturday. And then again it might not. I haven't decided yet.


What have you whined about this week?


  1. Thank you Glow for making my dull Saturday night entertaining! You gave me a couple of big loud giggles!

  2. Thank you! You have cheered me up on a miserable wet afternoon in Blighty. gah! You have inspired me to drink wine tonight and ... Well .... Whine, probably! Cheers x

  3. oh you ARE so spot on about Perth drivers - re the rain AND especially the merging!!!! woman after my own heart re the dry whites.


    p.s. i don't think you were drunk enough - i heard no slurring, pick your game up for next weeks episode ok?


  4. LOL! Great way to start an early shift at work on a Sunday. Do you mind if I link up and have a whine of my own? It will probably be a regular blog unless I can figure out how to do a vlog before this afternoon.

  5. I drank like four hundred shots of tequila last night and got 3 hours sleep cause Boo is an arsehole.


    Which I am sure it would have been ANYWAY without the clarification at the top but I wanted to whine.

  6. Bwaaaahahaha!!! I like it!

  7. LOL nah it's not a linky, just something for me to post every Saturday :)

  8. I apologize for not being very sloshy. I will try harder :P

  9. Glad I could help! A dull Saturday night can be so depressing - hence the vlog!

  10. PMSL well now I'll have to do another one for you to watch sober and rested just to see if you still think so

  11. Of course you do, it's drunken complaining - WHAT'S NOT TO LIKE?!

  12. I think I worded that badly. What I meant was, do you mind if I do my own whine and credit you with a link back to your site as giving me the idea? Just last night I saw something that gave me the shits and your whine made me remember it. :)

  13. Ummmm, I really hope that Egypt thing is a hoax. Maybe I don't want to have sex with that person, wouldn't it then be rape? What happens if the husband kills the wife? Surely she would be pretty pissed off and not consenting. Can guys even get stiffies when they're dead? Would make the farewell sex pretty....well not hard.

  14. LMAO ! Kyle Sandilands is the biggest douche bag I know and yes!  Why don't they do anything about him ??!  I'll be staying tune for next week's episode ;)

  15. Wine makes me look sexy - apparently

  16. Eewwwwwww you HAD to go there didn't you?! :P x

  17. I will start stocking up on wine now

  18. The presssssssssssssure! The presssssssssssure!!!!!!

  19. You always look sexy to me, Glen... but then again, I'm always drunk. Make of that what you will :P

  20. Oops it seems I've mislead a few people! It wasn't going to be a linky but now after a few people have said it should be maybe I need to make it so!


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