
Friday, May 25, 2012

Things they didn't tell you

When Allison Tait, of Life in a Pink Fibro, told me I was on her "wishlist" of Bloggers she would like to contribute to a new ebook that would showcase things they didn't tell you about parenting and be sold with all proceeds going to the amazing Cate Bolt's Foundation18, I was pretty sure she had sent the email to me in error.

Up until that point, the only wishlist I've ever been on is the one where people wish I'd shut up for a minute or at least take a breath in between sentences.

*takes a breath* Wish granted.

However, being the type of gal that seizes upon opportunity when it knocks, I didn't bring it to her attention that she had asked little ol' me and instead replied gushing that of course I'd love to be involved.

It was only after agreeing to take part that I found out who else would be involved and I promptly started to both freak out a little and have tickets on myself at the same time. I am now a "contributing author" (OMG author?!) alongside the likes of Bern Morley (woah!), Veronica Foale (bloody hell!), Eden Riley (shizenhousen!), Mrs Woog (holy moly!) and Kerri Sackville (I have no more words to express excitement, other than faaaaaark, so the title author should be taken off me immediately).

Then I saw the foreword was by Wendy Harmer and I went in to cardiac arrest. On the up side, my mother now thinks I'm a celebrity.

After seeing all these fabulous women were included, my decision to submit a piece involving infant erections is now being put in the "not your best move" category along side my attempt to limbo whilst drunk. *Note to self: Next time you're asked to be part of an amazing ebook, don't mention genitals*

Every parent needs to read it and realize they aren't the only ones who *insert ANYTHING to do with child raising here*. There will be fist pumping and chest bumping at large in celebration.

32 Australian Bloggers gave their time and creative talent (except for me, I just gave time and sarcasm), and a crew of people behind the scenes including Kate, Tracy and Mal, helped make Allison's idea a reality.

But now it's over to you. The book is $4.99 and I really encourage you to buy a copy, click on the logo below and remember all proceeds go to Foundation18.


  1. OMG - I love this post. Fist bump. Chest thump. Weird secret handshake thing. x

  2. I agree with your mother x

  3. Brilliant! I wonder if Al realised she would be publishing a book with such a large focus on erections?

    Love your work. Thanks heaps.

  4. wow.  what an honour.

  5. Of course Allison emailed you! And I'm sure your contribution is completely worthy of its position alongside the rest of them. Congrats!

    It's probably too late for me, I reckon I've learned it all the hard way, but I'll buy the ebook and read it anyway. No doubt it's a great read, and all for a great cause. 
    Well deserved. x

  6. OMG! Congratulations!!! That's just amaaaazing ! Love your work. Always have.  Always will x

  7. Can't wait to read your contribution on infant erections and will buy this book. I always felt I missed out on the fun because with boys I believe they pee on you when you change their nappies. Well I will buy the book and find out!! You rock Glowless.


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