Who doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up
Who has no idea where the last two years went
Who cries too easily and loves too fiercely
Who believes the snooze button is one of the greatest inventions of all time
Who not only wears her heart on her sleeve but all over her freaking body
Who refuses to be a doormat and will not stand for passive aggressive bullshit
Who remembers the long, sleepless nights surrounding a newborn and yet yearns for another baby
Who finds bad boys attractive but not worth the trouble
Who knows her triggers and avoids them where possible
Who knows to take care of herself, her husband and her child above all others
Who cracks a joke, not to minimize, but in preference to laughing rather than crying
Who realizes baking can not only be an art but a form of therapy (plus there is food)
Who has a messy house because there are far more fun things to do than clean
Who frantically cleans before anyone comes over lest they think she is a pig
Who will actively seek out the truth when lies are being told
Who thinks commercial television is designed to sell you things and keep you afraid
Who is fiercely loyal, even to those who have scorned her
Who doesn't hold grudges but never, ever forgets
Who knows who she is and is aware that it's constantly changing
Who is happy with who she is, right in this moment, even if you're not
Who are you?

I love this post. I too am a woman who still feels like a girl! Cheers.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Leah! I'm 30 and still don't feel like a grown up!
ReplyDeleteIf I ever find out at what age you actually feel like a grown up, I'll let you know. I can tell you that all of the ages up to fifty-one aren't it.
ReplyDeleteNodding, nodding.
ReplyDeleteI want people to believe I keep an immaculate home but I don't want to actually clean it. Hence, I really hate the 'drop-in' visitor.
Also, your post has reminded me I need to bake a chocolate cake pretty much immediately...
I hope you never stop feeling like a girl.
I am
ReplyDeleteLoving this post.
You forgot that you're insanely beautiful inside and out.
ReplyDeleteI love that you like you. Right now.
ReplyDeleteWe change so much, I think it's taken me a while to learn to like myself in every reincarnation, in every "right here right now" (as Fatboy Slim would say).
I love that you are happy with who you are - my second favourite line is
ReplyDeleteWho believes the snooze button is one of the greatest inventions of all time !!
Have a great weekend.
SO glad to find I'm not the only one who does the last minute house-cleaning thing. You have totally won my heart with this post.
ReplyDeleteI am nodding in agreement with much of what you have written.
ReplyDeleteThe snooze button is the greatest invention, but also one of the most dangerous.
I still feel like a girl too, even though 40 is knocking at the door. I wonder if I'm ever going to feel all grown up sometimes :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd oh crap but you could've been speaking for me with the tension between having a messy house because cleaning is So Not My Thing, and manically tidying when company's coming because even though I say I don't care what people think ... I do really.
I wrote my post last night. Same title and all ;) Then read yours and nodded my head off, love this. Love you actually. You are an amazing woman Glowy.
ReplyDeleteI love this post. It's awesomeness wrapped in the fantastic.
ReplyDeleteOh I like this very much. Thank you for linking up, Glow.
ReplyDeleteLove seeing all the things you have baked and made ... it's a sign of a creative, nurturing, talented spirit .... and TRICKY'S CAKE. You could make a business out of it, yeah?
Who has scorned you? *Flexes hands*
Snaps to your tatt ;)
Loved that last line, and I could not agree more about the baking.
ReplyDeleteHa! Brilliant :)
ReplyDeleteI can't stand drop in visitors either. Not even when it's family. I keep a lot of doors closed in this house to pretend it's clean.
ReplyDeleteThanks Claire :)
ReplyDeleteYOU are gorgeous xxx
ReplyDeleteWoo Fatboy Slim reference FTW! Only sitting down to write this did I really think about it and it feels good.
ReplyDeleteMrs Catch if you ever come visit me, my house will look lived in but lovely... just don't open any doors or cupboards OK?
ReplyDeleteYES! Very dangerous. Especially if you hit off instead of snooze. Oops.
ReplyDeleteExactly. I don't care and then I care SO MUCH. I can handle toys everywhere - I figure that's a sign of a fun place.... plus if I clean them up in daylight hours it's less than 5 minutes before it's a bomb site again.
ReplyDeleteYou are freaking amazing walking contradiction and I wish we lived closer. As I'm getting to know you more I realize we have a lot in common and enough opposites to make it interesting :) x
ReplyDeleteThanks Rhonda! I think that's the coolest compliment ever :)
ReplyDeleteI've been asked to make a cake for someone! Of course I'm saying I'm not good enough... ARGH!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for making me think x
I don't know what I want to be when I grow up either... I don't know that I really ever want to grow up... and I'll be 41 this year.
ReplyDeleteI shove all the crap into my bedroom and shut the door when people come over... it's a hell hole of washing, shoes and paper work in there!
Hello there. This is the first time I've read your blog although I've seen you on Twitter. Really enjoyed your post. Love how everyone is digging deep for Eden.. I've read some really powerful posts (including yours). Love the repetition of "who.." very poetic.
ReplyDeleteCatherine x
PS. Happy birthday to Mr2!
ReplyDeleteStill feel like a little girl :/
Fabulous post. And I hear you on the snooze button thing :)
You sound like someone I'd happily and easily be friends with!
ReplyDeleteMore babies in your near future???? I remember how hard it is and shutter now. Easy to tell I'm finished :)
ReplyDeleteWhen do I get to see you again? We have so much more talking to do, so much in common. DPCON was not enough!
ReplyDeleteI love so many things about you. I relate to crying easily and lovely too fiercely too. What a beautiful woman you are. x
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post Glowless. I don't really know what I want to be when I grow up yet either.
ReplyDeleteA deeply self-aware post, Glow. I'm not sure I'd know how to write mine.
ReplyDeleteI really loved this post, I can relate to a lot of it, had a few of the same in my post :) xx
ReplyDeleteHave always admired you for your super strong, unwavering personality. Bask in your awesomeness, Glowy xxx
ReplyDeleteOh, what a beautiful post. I've been following you for a while and so much rings true with me. I especially identify with the random drop-ins, in fact, I posted about them on Friday!
ReplyDeleteHi, what a beautiful post. I can relate to so many of them. As for the drop-ins, i just posted about them on Friday. They do my head in! Thanks for a wonderful read.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Glow!
ReplyDeleteI love the part about there being much more fun things to do than clean!
I wish I knew about the baking thing sooner! x
ReplyDeleteI have a severe case of floordrobe :(
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by, Catherine. I've loved reading all the different ways people have written on the theme :)
ReplyDeleteI dun wanna grow up. Can't make me. :P x
ReplyDeleteThanks, Claire! I am a bit of a snooze button whore - for some reason I feel like I've had a sleep in if I can snooze it a couple times.
ReplyDeleteI hope so :) x
ReplyDeleteIt was over way too quickly! Next year x
ReplyDeleteThank you, Deb, that's such a lovely thing to say. I'm all warm and tingly now xxx
ReplyDeleteIt was a tough one. I used to struggle with it so I've asked it of myself a LOT in the past.
ReplyDeleteSnap, Jane! xxx
ReplyDeleteI'm assuming you chose your name AFTER one of those drop ins, because they make me go insane too!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you :) It's a nice feeling x