
Monday, August 6, 2012

And then he got high

This weekend Tricky ended up back in hospital for his third asthma admission in three months, which brings us to a grand total of five hospital admissions in the same time frame.

The Trickster gets a bit high from Ventolin. This is him in the emergency room, at 9:00pm, cacking himself laughing:

It meant that when he was being admitted to the ward from the emergency room he waved and shouted "BYE-BYE!" to every. single. person. He didn't care whether they were a doctor, a nurse or an incredibly sick patient.

I trailed behind looking sheepish. Yes, that hyperactive child is mine, and yes, he's being admitted even though he doesn't look sick AT ALL.

One night of oxygen and two hourly Ventolin was enough and we came home the next day.

He's now getting six puffs of Ventolin every four hours and THIS is what happened at midnight a few minutes after a dose:

Over tired, sick, but HYPER!

Apparently the magic number for preventative measures is three, so he'll be starting that tomorrow. Hopefully it means no more hospital visits.

Do you get hyperactive on Ventolin? How long did you have to wait for preventative treatment for asthma?


  1. Hmmm ventolin eh?
    Oh gosh he is adorable, high at midnight or not.

  2. Oh Mate I see you are still having drama's :( I gather they don't prescribe Brikenel (spelling???) anymore for kids - liquid dilator instead of the puffer. My baby went through this when she was about Tricky's age as well (and I can understand the hyper bit especially in hospital) but it went away eventually so no preventor was needed. If your not happy with the diagnosis try a different specialist (forget the Hospital) - it took me personally 3 to get satisfaction. I am surprised you haven't mentioned a nebuliser. You can hire them from the chemist if you don't have one but the ampules are script. There is also Atrovin (again spelling?) in addition to the Ventolin but not sure if this is ok for kids. I needed the Nebuliser for B when she was little to get her over it (also after infection). I understand you worry and frustration.

  3. Lisa Barton-CollinsAugust 6, 2012 at 5:07 PM

    I get a bit jittery with alot of ventolin, but not hyper :) Most doctors are super keen for me and my asthmatic son to start taking the preventor asap.

  4. "Big Bear!!!!" oh so gorgeous!!!!!! Hope gets better soon xxx

  5. He's going to get Flixotide Junior tomorrow, just for the winter months at first because he is symptom free until he gets a little cold. On day three of a snotty nose, he ends up in hospital, despite this time starting prednisone on day two.

    He had nebulisers with his first two attacks because they were more serious (one needed an ambulance ride, which I'm sure he would have enjoyed had he not been so out of it), but they move to spacers and puffers as soon as they're going longer than 30 minutes apart. This time we were much more prepared and went to hospital sooner so it wasn't given. We do have one though because I need it when I travel, so it's a great safety net!!!

    Thanks so much for the suggestions, I'll check out Brikenel and Atrovin :) Fingers crossed he grows out of it xxxxxx

  6. Yes, when not trying to run around an ER he's quite cute :P x

  7. My mum gets jittery, too. I was always on preventors, they worked great for me. Becotide then Serotide.

  8. It's gorgeous until he keeps screaming "BIG BEAR!!!!" for thirty minutes straight... which happens most days, actually :P #favetoy

  9. Oh no hahahaha, too funny! My 2yr old suffers from sever asthma attacks every time he has a cold and we had a similar ventolin-induced-hysteria in emergency late one night! He went from collapsed unable to move, speak or eat to running around the ward wanting to play!

  10. The stark change is so amazing, isn't it? Trying to get him to calm down a little bit so he didn't make himself sicker was SO HARD! Any secret tips for me or do I have to whip out the gaffa tape?

  11. We have to bribe him with the iPod. I hate that he loves it but at times when we need him to sit still it is GOLD. Ninja Fishing has him quiet and calm in no time ;-)

  12. Oh Glow you poor thing! I've been a chronic asthmatic since a baby so I know only too well what lots of ventolin can do. Am on two preventers which work really well, unfortunately though both are steroid based which causes a whole set of new issues. Oh well, not much you can do as they kep me alive and kicking!

  13. Yes!! Hyper, then irritable, then weepy. And night terrors. It's a stimulant.

  14. The blog ate my comment.

    Poor lil guy. I hope he recovers soon xox

  15. Mine got night terrors and was easily upset. Have you heard about Singulair? It's a steroid free controller (chewable). It didn't end up being enough for my son but I like the idea of avoiding steroids if possible. We're on Alvesco, which we are told is a more efficiently absorbed steroid. Just things to ask about. x

    PS Message me with any questions. I think you're on my path anaphylaxis/asthma-wise. x

  16. A few years ago i had Boy Child laughing and running around the hospital car park after being discharged from emergency with an asthma flare. I think it was about 1 am and freezing but he was very hyper.

  17. Oh I feel your embarrassment...

    I took Zoe to the ED in the middle of the night when she was three (with a 6 week old baby in tow... fun) and we were quickly escorted into a resus rooms and alarms went off and people ran around busily... apparently O2 sats of below 85% are not good. So they pumped her full of pred and Ventolin and then adrenalin and while her O2 sats wouldn't climb over 90% she climbed the walls. Every person who walked passed and look to see who was sick enough to be in the big scared resus room with all the alarms going off was met with a little toddler face screaming "Hello! My name is Nemo... I love you sooooooooooo much!"

    I hope you guys can get on top of of Tricky's asthma... it truly sucks

  18. Oh wow that would have looked so funny! This time, because we've got more of a handle on it and went sooner, we weren't rushed through to resus, just went to a normal bed. Map Guy and I patted ourselves on the back for not getting a triage score of 1 haha

  19. I like the idea of avoiding long term steroid use, too, if possible. Right now they're looking at just doing it over the winter months when the viruses are everywhere.

    Thank you so much, Jilly, for your offer. Are you in the Anaphylaxis & Allergy Friends Australia FB group? I've found it so helpful.

  20. Thanks Rhonda, he's fine now. Always springs back so quickly :)

  21. I never got hyper from it as a kid, but I do remember being in hospital for a week once after a bad attack and I didn't sleep AT ALL. I was bored out of my mind because everyone else was asleep and I wasn't allowed to turn the light on!!! I was lucky enough to slightly outgrow my asthma, though not until a few years back which is apparently a bit strange (you either outgrow in late teens or not at all I was told). I don't have preventers any more and only need ventolin if I'm exercising (never) or have a cold.
    I hate the idea of the steroid issues, but you're right, not much can be done!

  22. I get totally spaced out on Ventolin and have been doing so on and off for 25 years! These days my preventative meds do the trick but Spring is still a dastardly time of year. Then there's the irrits that follow the hyper. Hope you and Tricky are on the path to controlled asthma soon!

  23. Ugh yes, that's almost worse isn't it? Inbetween stage of hyper mind and tired, sick body.


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