Monday, August 6, 2012

And then he got high

This weekend Tricky ended up back in hospital for his third asthma admission in three months, which brings us to a grand total of five hospital admissions in the same time frame.

The Trickster gets a bit high from Ventolin. This is him in the emergency room, at 9:00pm, cacking himself laughing:

It meant that when he was being admitted to the ward from the emergency room he waved and shouted "BYE-BYE!" to every. single. person. He didn't care whether they were a doctor, a nurse or an incredibly sick patient.

I trailed behind looking sheepish. Yes, that hyperactive child is mine, and yes, he's being admitted even though he doesn't look sick AT ALL.

One night of oxygen and two hourly Ventolin was enough and we came home the next day.

He's now getting six puffs of Ventolin every four hours and THIS is what happened at midnight a few minutes after a dose:

Over tired, sick, but HYPER!

Apparently the magic number for preventative measures is three, so he'll be starting that tomorrow. Hopefully it means no more hospital visits.

Do you get hyperactive on Ventolin? How long did you have to wait for preventative treatment for asthma?


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