Friday, February 1, 2013

The Facebook Friend Conundrum

Over the years I've been on Facebook I've had my fair share of profile pictures.

When Tricks was born I put a photo of him up for the first two weeks so people could see that the little dude had arrived. Then I did it again during his first Christmas for a couple of days and again for a week when I photoshopped a microphone in to his hand and made him a rock star baby. Because, hello, everyone needs to see my mad photoshopping skills and our true blue, bogan roots.

I love youse all!

I have a little bit of an issue with people just putting their kids as their profile picture all the damn time. I want to scream at them "YOU ARE MORE THAN YOUR CHILDREN! DON'T LOSE YOUR IDENTITY" but getting all capslock cranky on someone's picture is deemed inappropriate and sure as shit will lead to an instant defriending.

I know, I know, your kid is adorable but c'mon, you are still a person ya know? Your definition is more than just mother/father.

Now despite this, honestly I couldn't really care less if you use your kid as your pic, do whatever floats your boat... unless of course you send me a friend invite and I have no freaking clue who you are, we have no mutual friends and any time we've had anything to do with each other you only referred to yourself by your relatively common first name. Who the hell are you? Help me out here!

And just so we're clear I'm not a child-hating "get your baby off Facebook" person, I think the same thing if your picture is a pet. Or a motorbike. Or an *insert other inanimate object here*.

So Christina Smith*, if you're reading this... I have no idea who you are. I'm sure you're lovely, but from your closed profile all I can tell is that you are a rather cute two year old boy with dimples that will break hearts one day. If by chance you're reading this, gimme a heads up, OK?

*Not her real name. Which totally doesn't help if she is reading this. Also, I'm very good at making up false names - Smith! Original!


  1. I know exactly what you mean.
    Cars send me friend requests all the time

  2. Meh. I don't care what people have and if I put my kids face in my profile pic it's only because he's uber gorgeous and I'm super proud. See exhibit A to the left :-)

  3. Not a fan of facebook profile pics that are not of the actual person. This goes for children, pets, cars, bikes, trees, etc. Just show me who you are. Don't be afraid of your own face.

  4. I put the kids up occasionally if its a good picture of them! But usually good pictures of me :)

  5. I refuse to put my kids' as my profile pic because it's public usually... that said, I did put one of master seven's nostrils and glasses when he was 6 months old or so... LOL!

  6. I agree with you all the way on this! In fact, when I post a pic of my kids on my personal facebook page, I always feel like Im obliged to post a selfie or two, as even though they are my vip's, I still exist as a person separate to them.

  7. Couldn't agree more!! I love my kids, but feel a strange kind of pity for all my friends that use pictures of their children as their identity. It just says so much about who they are, or who they have become. I put the occasional pic of the kids up on my wall because they are just tooo cute, but my profile pic is ME. Because that is who people want to be friends with, right? Not my 4 year old....

  8. Hahaha! I totally get what you mean. Christmas is about the only time I have something other than me as a profile pic. And that's because "Trevor" - AKA: the skull with the Santa hat - has been my Chrissy av for the past few years. Or Uncle Fester's head at New Years because he has a party hat!... I promise my house is not filled with heads with no bodies lol

  9. I very rarely have a profile pic of my kids up. I like to make my profile pics more about me. My name starts with an 'M' so this month its a green background with the white m&m 'M' on it. Or I like to have a pic of my cat, just because she is super cute and awesome and looks like Sabrina the teenage witch's cat.

  10. I totally understand thing. It bugs me so much when a car is friend requesting me. Also, FB profile pics are public, and kids and stuff are not so good when you're doing a bit of FB stalking and want to know more about an old school friend! :-P

  11. But if the car was Herbie it would be TOTALLY DIFFERENT!

  12. Hello M :) The problem I have with your pic is that I feel like eating M&Ms every time I see it hehehe

  13. Trevor the Christmas Skull - why hasn't that been made in to a movie?! WHY?!

  14. Yep, Lucy, as gorgeous as your 4 yo undoubtedly is, I kinda like my friends to be able to at least vote.

  15. Love it! Evening it up with a selfie is perfect!

  16. Nostrils and glasses are always the exception to the rule :)

  17. I know for sure I'll put one up again when the new bub arrives, because hypocrisy is a natural talent of mine. But it'll be for a couple weeks then back to ME ME ME!

  18. "Don't be afraid of your own face". Love that.

  19. Ah, but Bree, you're in that one too so I wouldn't confuse you with His Gorgeousness :-D

  20. I hope it's Herbie the Love Bug.


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