
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tricky: Toy Expert. Well, um, kinda.

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What do they say? Never work with children or animals. Well I’m not clever enough to take that on so I asked if Tricky wanted to look through the online catalogue and be in a video for the Big W toy sale. Here’s a helpful hint: don’t do this at home unless you truly wish to find out just how toy obsessed your child is.

In true toddler style he then jumped up and ran to get my car keys saying we had to go to the shops NOW and buy Radio (Radiator) Springs, and the cars, and the trucks, and the rubbish truck, and the digger, and the train set, and you get the point. The exact thing that happens when we go to the shops and the exact reason why I love online toy shopping. No tantrums, not even from me.

So, um, maybe learn from my mistake and don’t give your kids the catalogue to make a silly video. Instead just sit with it yourself over a cuppa (or *ahem* a glass of wine if you’re so inclined) and order once they’re in bed and just wait for the parcels to arrive!

If you’re strapped for cash or space then just use the online no deposit lay-by and set up auto deductions between now until October and have them delivered in December. With an aversion to shopping centres, and more specifically shopping centre carparks, at Christmas, this is what I’m doing.

I have five $100 vouchers to give away to get your shopping started. To win check out and tell me in the entry form provided below which three toys you think your Toy Expert would choose.

The sale starts on the 27th and runs until the 10th of July, so get your catalogue and start circling now. Unless it's an iPad in which case please don't draw on it.

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