Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bobbin's Babyshower Giveaway - Are you ready?

A few months ago I started putting the wheels in motion for a giveaway to help celebrate the impending birth of little Bobbin and it is finally here! Hooray! Bust out the lady-giving-birth-cake. Or not.

I'm not having a Babyshower this time around because I figured it would be a bit greedy to have one for a second child. But I thought why not have an online Babyshower and do the whole "but you get the presents" thing? Fab idea, right? RIGHT! Totally original, right? Yeah, not so much. But anywho, let's not sneeze at awesome things coming your way from these amazing brands:

Perfect stuff if you've just, or are just about to, pop out a sprog. Or foster one. Or adopt one. Or you're about to be invited to an actual Babyshower and want your present to be better than anyone elses without actually having to leave home or, you know, pay for it.

Every day for a whole week, starting tomorrow, there will be a new giveaway for you to enter. Entering requires a Facebook account and you can enter each individual giveaway daily (each will run for two weeks). You can get extra entries that will put you in the drawer for the bonus prize by sharing the giveaways using the dedicated share buttons that will pop up once you have entered. Sharing is caring after all. Nawww.

Some of these fabulous brands offered to send Bobbin and I some gifts as well as products to include in the giveaway and as always this has been included in a disclaimer on the appropriate posts.

To make sure you don't miss any of the giveaways you can follow Where's My Glow? on Facebook and Twitter, or subscribe so you get them all delivered straight to your inbox. Check out the sidebar right at the top where it says "Get More Glow" for details.

To see all posts as they go live click here.

So tell me, what product could you not live without when you had a newborn?

Bobbin’s Babyshower Giveaway graphic modified from a Creative Commons image from NinaMatthews Photography


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